Category Understated Dominance

Chapter 1095

This entry is part 254 of 302 in the series aud

“The doctors in Longguo really aren’t up to much. We struggled for a good while, but it was all in vain. We had to turn to Mr. Yamada for help,” Vivian sighed. “Absolutely! They’re all a load of rubbish, not…

Chapter 1094

This entry is part 253 of 302 in the series aud

In the afternoon. In the provincial capital, within a dedicated ward of Dongjiang Hospital. Caden lay unconscious on the bed, his face as pale as parchment, his breath feeble, his heartbeats slow, and his body chilled. At a first glance,…

Chapter 1093

This entry is part 252 of 302 in the series aud

There’s absolutely no plan to top up the glasses for the three of them. “…” The trio of Dustin exchanged bewildered glances. In the end, the bottle of fine wine was drained, not a drop left. “Brilliant!” After imbibing, Senior…

Chapter 1092

This entry is part 251 of 302 in the series aud

“Um?” Staring at the erupting alchemy furnace, Dustin’s expression shifted, instantly replaced by nervousness. Just one point away, merely a whisker’s breadth from success. Why? Why did it suddenly detonate? Could it be that after toiling so long, everything was…

Chapter 1091

This entry is part 250 of 302 in the series aud

It wasn’t until he saw Dustin’s half-smiling face that he finally came to his senses and said angrily: “You cheeky rascal! You’ve nothing better to do after a meal, eh? Let’s go cool off!” After saying that, he slumped back…

Chapter 1090: Medical Center Reunion

This entry is part 249 of 302 in the series aud

The next morning, Dustin made some simple arrangements for Zypher Lodge and immediately took a car to Swinston. With the Cherusia in hand and all the required medicinal herbs gathered, everything was ready. All that was left was to refine…

Chapter 1089: A Sinister Plot

This entry is part 248 of 302 in the series aud

“Sir Murray, your dad has already given away the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom,” Mrs. Hargrove shook her head. “Gave it away? To whom?” Caden’s smile froze. “To a young man named Dustin,” Mrs. Hargrove answered truthfully. “What? Given to that kid?”…

Chapter 1088: Tatsuharu ‘s Request

This entry is part 247 of 302 in the series aud

In a luxurious courtyard within the general’s residence, a young man dressed in fine clothing and with a slender build was drinking tea with Caden. ” Nakamura, I wonder what brings you here today?” Caden smiled and poured a cup…

Chapter 1087: Visit from Tatsuharu Nakamura

This entry is part 246 of 302 in the series aud

The servant quickly understood and left the room. Before long, another servant returned, holding a delicate wooden box. “Young man, here’s your item,” General Christopher received the wooden box and handed it over to Dustin. Dustin carefully opened the box,…

Chapter 1085: Caden’s Surprise

This entry is part 244 of 302 in the series aud

“Dustin, the Soul-Devouring Technique is a shortcut method, only practiced by those who have no other choice. If you continue practicing like this, you’ll die sooner or later!” Dustin solemnly warned. “Nonsense! I’m in great shape now, stronger than ever…

Chapter 1084: Confrontation

This entry is part 243 of 302 in the series aud

“Caden, are you trying to threaten me?” Dustin’s smile slowly faded as he listened to the harsh words. He had never liked Caden from the beginning, considering him to be a person who lacked integrity, someone who was unreliable. “If…

Chapter 1083: Family Discussion

This entry is part 242 of 302 in the series aud

Max remained composed, his gaze hostile. “No, I won’t!” Shiela clenched her lips, refusing to give in. “You—” Max raised his hand, intending to strike her, but Dustin grabbed his arm and coldly warned, “If you dare to act recklessly…

Chapter 1082: Fierce Confrontation

This entry is part 241 of 302 in the series aud

“Uncle! Please don’t act recklessly! They are all my friends!” Shiela exclaimed, startled, raising her hands to shield her friends. “Hmph! A bunch of dubious characters; just looking at them, I can tell they’re up to no good. Step aside!”…

Chapter 1081: Confrontation with Max

This entry is part 240 of 302 in the series aud

“Thank you for your offer, Miss Dahlia, but I’ll pass,” Dustin said, shaking his head, declining to take the business card. “Hmm?” Dahlia raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. “Are you sure you don’t want to consider it?” It was rare…

Chapter 1080: The Offer

This entry is part 239 of 302 in the series aud

“Damn!” Watching Morgan being kicked away, everyone’s expressions changed dramatically. No one had expected Black Dragon to suddenly kick like that. Even from a distance, they could hear the sound of bones cracking. “Morgan!” Garrett exclaimed in shock and ran…

Chapter 1079: The Unexpected Outcome

This entry is part 238 of 302 in the series aud

However, it was extremely strange. “How is this possible? The dwarf horse actually won against the Black Dragon?” “What’s going on? Can this even happen?!” “What’s Morgan doing? Why didn’t she just sprint directly? What’s with all the dawdling?” After…

Chapter 1078: The Unexpected Turn

This entry is part 237 of 302 in the series aud

“Come on, come on… Come and catch me!” “Go faster… A little faster!” Morgan rode Black Dragon, running intermittently and occasionally looking back to mock Dustin. She didn’t take Dustin seriously at all; instead, she began to playfully toy with…

Chapter 1077: The Humiliating Race

This entry is part 236 of 302 in the series aud

Her voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. You see, this ice-cold beauty had been silent since entering the racetrack. She had always maintained an attitude of keeping people at arm’s length, making everyone afraid to approach her. Now,…

Chapter 1076: The Absurd Challenge

This entry is part 235 of 302 in the series aud

“Am I seeing things correctly? This guy actually picked a dwarf horse?” “Could it be that he intends to race against a fine steed like Black Dragon with this kind of pony?” “Oh my goodness! What is this guy thinking?…

Chapter 1075: The Unexpected Challenger

This entry is part 234 of 302 in the series aud

“You, girl, why won’t you listen to reason?” Garrett sighed heavily, wearing a helpless expression. “Since everyone can’t agree, how about we have a rematch with higher stakes? The winner decides, what do you think?” Victoria suggested. “I’m fine with…

Chapter 1073: Allegations and Evidence

This entry is part 232 of 302 in the series aud

Garrett raised an eyebrow. Although he wasn’t sure what had transpired, it was evident that Victoria had a strong aversion to the person before her. “Since when did our Murray family lower its standards to this extent? Even someone of…