Category Understated Dominance

Chapter 1143

This entry is part 302 of 302 in the series aud

As he spoke, he grabbed Murong Xue’s wrist and pulled it out forcefully. “No! I won’t leave! Let me go!” Murong Xue began to struggle wildly. She had already owed Lu Chen once and didn’t want to owe him a…

Chapter 1142

This entry is part 301 of 302 in the series aud

Looking at Watanabe Tenaki whose head exploded, the scene suddenly became silent. Murong Cheng’s roar stopped abruptly. Liu Yannan, Chu Jie and his party were also dumbfounded. Everything happened so suddenly that they didn’t even react. Watanabe Tianming had hostages…

Chapter 1141

This entry is part 300 of 302 in the series aud

Watanabe Tenaki was surrounded by ninja masters. Their numbers were so large that even the strongest killer team in the shogunate had difficulty breaking through. Even if Lu Chen is very powerful, he still can’t kill everyone in one second.…

Chapter 1140

This entry is part 299 of 302 in the series aud

“You…what did you say?” Murong Xue was stunned and couldn’t believe it: “Did you kidnap me? Are you…all lying to me?” “Yes, we are indeed lying to you.” Watanabe Tianming admitted frankly: “However, if you want to blame it, you…

Chapter 1139

This entry is part 298 of 302 in the series aud

Just now, Watanabe Yui clearly deliberately provoked him and tempted him to attack, thus testing the truth. Now, he didn’t even have a chance to fight back. “Old friend, winner and loser, you have lost, and today is the day…

Chapter 1138

This entry is part 297 of 302 in the series aud

“Old dog Watanabe, you still want to run wild here, do you have the ability?” Murong Zhenguo slowly straightened his back, with murderous intent in his eyes: “I could beat you to the point where you were covered with teeth…

Chapter 1137

This entry is part 296 of 302 in the series aud

The other guests also fell on their backs, some were seriously injured, and some were killed on the spot. In the aftermath of the horrific explosion, the entire banquet hall was instantly razed to the ground. For a time, the…

Chapter 1136

This entry is part 295 of 302 in the series aud

These black-clad killers appeared suddenly and completely unprepared. From appearance, to attack, to end, just in the blink of an eye. Everyone felt that in the blink of their eyes, all the dead soldiers that Murong Hai carefully cultivated had…

Chapter 1135

This entry is part 294 of 302 in the series aud

“Now, are you still stubborn? That woman has been using you, she is harming you, why would you rather believe her than your blood relatives?!” Murong Zhenguo shouted. “Shut up! Since five years ago, I have completely broken up with…

Chapter 1134

This entry is part 293 of 302 in the series aud

“ah?” Lu Chen was stunned. Murong Cheng was stunned. Murong Hai was also stunned. Everyone in the Murong family, including all the guests present, were all stunned and looked in disbelief. When Yasha launched his attack, they all thought that…

Chapter 1133

This entry is part 292 of 302 in the series aud

Lu Chen reacted quickly, with a solemn expression on his face. There are very few things that can trap a martial arts master, among which the dragon rope is the representative. Rumor has it that the rope that binds the…

Chapter 1131

This entry is part 290 of 302 in the series aud

“yes!” Afterwards, a group of thugs immediately drew their weapons and pressed forward with eager eyes. Everyone in the Murong family panicked and quickly huddled together. They had been pampered since childhood and were protected by soldiers wherever they went.…

Chapter 1132

This entry is part 291 of 302 in the series aud

Quiet. The entire banquet hall suddenly fell silent. Everyone was stunned when they saw Rakshasa being knocked away by a punch. Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief. Who is Rakshasa? A well-known strong man in Tianzhu Kingdom and a true master…

Chapter 1130

This entry is part 289 of 302 in the series aud

Murong Hai’s plain words held an undeniable weight. Everyone was gripped by fear, trembling. Their gaze collectively fixed on Murong Zhenguo. As the figure of highest authority and influence present, the old general’s stance would determine the fate of the…

Chapter 1129

This entry is part 288 of 302 in the series aud

Although Luo Sha is powerful, he is still a lot worse than the ancestor. “Old Ancestor? Hehe… He has heard about his name for a long time, but unfortunately, he can’t help you.” Murong Hai’s face remained unchanged. “Please come…

Chapter 1128

This entry is part 287 of 302 in the series aud

“What?!” Seeing this scene, everyone looked shocked. Isn’t Caden a half-step master-level expert? Shouldn’t it sweep the entire field? Why did he get beaten up and vomited blood just after meeting him? “Brother Caden!” “dad!” Lily and Sheila Murray were…

Chapter 1127

This entry is part 286 of 302 in the series aud

The General’s Manor houses a formidable force of thousands, capable of easily quelling any disturbance within its walls. This is precisely why no one dares to behave recklessly in the General’s Manor. “Where are the people? Where are they headed?…

Chapter 1126

This entry is part 285 of 302 in the series aud

“puff!” A sound of flesh tearing was heard. Murong Hai’s sword stabbed Murong Shan directly through the chest without any warning. Blood dripped to the ground along the tip of the knife. “Well……” Murong Shan was stunned, looking down at…

Chapter 1125

This entry is part 284 of 302 in the series aud

After uttering his words, he opened the gift box, and his smile froze instantly. Because inside the gift box, there were no valuable items, nothing to reveal his sentiment, only a piece of fine white silk. “Is this the gift…

Chapter 1124

This entry is part 283 of 302 in the series aud

The chilly words caused Murong Shan and Caden’s smiles to freeze instantly. In their eyes, the third brother was the most favoured and significant person in the family. Now that we’re reunited after a long separation, shouldn’t a father be…

Chapter 1123

This entry is part 282 of 302 in the series aud

The atmosphere at the scene quickly became lively. “The General Soldier from Jinzhou came to visit and wish the veteran general good fortune like the East China Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains!” “Li Chengshou from Jin…

Chapter 1122

This entry is part 281 of 302 in the series aud

“Ah?” Chase Johnson and Vivian were taken aback by the sudden slap. Both of them covered their faces, a little bewildered. Isn’t it Dustin who’s causing trouble? Why does he keep hitting us? At this moment, everyone in the Murong…

Chapter 1121

This entry is part 280 of 302 in the series aud

“Is this lad seeking trouble?” Caden narrowed his eyes, wearing a rather unkind expression. “Intriguing… quite intriguing.” In the midst of the crowd, Watanabe Tianming wore a mischievous expression. Considering what occurred last night, typically, Dustin should be making a…

Chapter 1120

This entry is part 279 of 302 in the series aud

“Sheila Murray! They’ve got their morals all tangled up!” Seeing the situation take a turn for the worse, Vivian began to stir the pot again: “Rescuing you from fire and water, repaying kindness with enmity – it’s all a load…