Chapter 1122

This entry is part 281 of 302 in the series aud


Chase Johnson and Vivian were taken aback by the sudden slap.

Both of them covered their faces, a little bewildered.

Isn’t it Dustin who’s causing trouble? Why does he keep hitting us?

At this moment, everyone in the Murong family, and even all the guests, looked astonished.

No one expected that the old general, who had always been stern, would openly strike someone, and on the day of his birthday party.

“Old…Old General, have you mistaken the person? This chap is a wrongdoer and ought to be apprehended and detained before he wreaks havoc on the world,” Chase Johnson also attempted to explain.

“Yes, old general, this fellow harmed Mr. Murong last night. He committed a heinous crime and must face severe consequences!” Vivian concurred.

She believed Murong Zhenguo didn’t know the truth, so she intervened.


Murong Zhenguo glared, and a potent force emanated: “Dustin saved my granddaughter’s life. He is the benefactor of the Murong family and also my esteemed guest. If you dare to speak out of turn again, don’t blame me for expelling you!”

As soon as these words were uttered, Chase Johnson and Vivian were instantly as quiet as mice and visibly flustered.

If they were truly cast out of the General’s Mansion, it wouldn’t only be their plight, but their family would also suffer repercussions, or even face ostracization.

After all, no one would willingly risk offending the old general by continuing to associate with their family.


Sheila Murray couldn’t bear it any longer. When she stood up to say something, she was cut off by Murong Shan: “Dad, today is a day for you to celebrate your birthday. Don’t get angered easily. Let’s pacify the anger first.”

The reason I restrained my daughter is that at this moment, right or wrong is inconsequential.

The old man has spoken, so regardless of the rationale, the Murong family must wholeheartedly support it without any defiance.

Especially in front of so many guests, the old man’s authority cannot be contested.


Murong Zhenguo shot a cold glance at the two of them, then turned to Dustin and asserted dominantly: “Young man, let’s go and take a seat. Who dares to voice any objection today?”

With that, he grasped Dustin’s hand and seated him directly at the VIP table.

Here, there are either the core members of the Murong family or family acquaintances.

A young man like Dustin, dressed modestly, appeared somewhat out of place sitting there.

But after the old general spoke, no one dared to say anything further. Instead, they had to greet him with a pleasant demeanor and a smile.

Even though Dustin wasn’t a big shot, the old general held such sway that even if a trifle were set on the table, they would still have to partake.

“This fellow is so detestable. He’s exploiting Sheila’s name to hold sway here and dupe the old general’s compassion. It’s utterly contemptible!”

Watching Dustin seated at the VIP table, Vivian ground her teeth and felt a tad aggrieved.

As a scion of a reputable family, she lacked the standing to sit at the VIP table. Why can a poor underwriter sit at the same table as those influential figures?

“Huh! It’s just fleeting glory. When the old general unravels the truth, he’ll undoubtedly reprimand Dustin severely to put things right!”

Chase Johnson touched his flushed face, his gaze brimming with hostility.

In the presence of the old general, he naturally lost his composure, so all the resentment he harbored from the beating was redirected at Dustin.

“You rascal, sooner or later, I’m going to settle the score with you.”

Murong Shan muttered to himself, his countenance gloomy.

He thought Chase Johnson and the two could handle Dustin, but they hadn’t foreseen the old man’s intervention.

Even though he was exceedingly dissatisfied, he didn’t dare to show it.

After a brief interlude, the scene regained its composure.

More and more guests entered the banquet hall bearing gifts, extending their well-wishes to Murong Zhenguo on his birthday.

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