Chapter 1118

This entry is part 277 of 302 in the series aud

“I’ve come to offer my congratulations to the old general on his birthday. I’ve no intention of causing any trouble, so please allow me to pass.”

Confronted with the shouts and threats, Dustin maintained a stoic expression.

“Heshou? Hmph! Do you even deserve it?” Vivian scoffed mercilessly. “Who do you think you are? By what right do you think you’re qualified to wish the old general a happy birthday? If it weren’t for Xue’er’s sake, do you believe you’d even make it through the doors of the general’s mansion? Stop daydreaming!”

In her view, Sheila had managed to slip in because of Sheila Murray’s introduction the previous day.

“Exactly! Open your eyes and look around. Are there any attendees here celebrating birthdays who aren’t dignitaries? What makes you, a mere insurance salesman, think you can stand with us?” Chase Johnson looked down his nose.

Even though Dustin knew a thing or two about boxing and kicking, he was still just a brash man.

There was no great skill to him.

Sheila didn’t say a word, merely gazing quietly at Sheila Murray, her expression a touch uncertain.

The events of the previous night had created a rift in their relationship.

Whenever she thought of Murong Gaochao lying in that hospital bed, resentment towards Dustin surged within her.

“I’d advise you not to underestimate others,” Dustin retorted impassively. “I’ve gained entry because I possess an invitation. As for my status and qualifications, that’s none of your concern.”

“Invitation? Hmph… Who’s to say you didn’t steal it or snatch it? What can’t a social outcast like you do?” Vivian’s face was etched with disdain.

“Sheila Murray, spare us your airs. We all know who you are. If you think you can curry favour with the old general, you’re sorely mistaken!” Chase Johnson declared haughtily.

“Would the both of you kindly stop your prattling?” Dustin’s patience was wearing thin. “Do I know either of you? What I choose to do is none of your business. If you dare to speak rudely again, don’t blame me for failing to see straight when my fists find their mark!”

As he spoke, his icy, penetrating gaze bore down on the two of them.

In the past, he had turned a blind eye to these two buffoons for Sheila Murray’s sake.

Now that they were no longer together, he felt no obligation to maintain any decorum.

“You… you’re being insolent!” Dustin’s sudden outburst left Vivian momentarily stunned.

No matter how much she’d taunted Dustin in the past, he’d always remained silent, as if her words hadn’t reached him.

She’d initially assumed he lacked the nerve to speak up, but the words he’d just uttered, coupled with the intensity in his eyes, suddenly made her realise he wasn’t as feeble as she’d thought.

Murong Gaochao was the prime example.

If Sheila Murray were to go berserk and give her a thrashing, there’d be little she could do.

“Sheila! I’m warning you not to get too cocky! This is the General’s Mansion. Do you dare to make a move?” Chase Johnson barked sternly.

“That’s right! I don’t believe for a moment you’d dare to cause a scene here!” Vivian quickly regained her confidence.

The General’s Mansion was heavily guarded, and even a man as audacious as Dustin wouldn’t dare to make a scene openly.

With this thought, her assurance returned.

“And why do you reckon your life is worth more than Murong Gaochao’s?”

With a stern countenance, Dustin began to approach slowly.

The murderous intent caused several faces to blanch, and they hastily took a few steps back.


Sheila Murray suddenly stepped forward, her tone sharp. “Dustin! You’ve harmed my cousin; do you intend to harm my friend too? I’ll never allow you to do so!”

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