Chapter 1116

This entry is part 275 of 302 in the series aud

“Master! Master, wake up!”

A burst of exclamation interrupted Sheila Murray’s thoughts.

Turning around, he discovered that the severely injured Garrett had fallen into a coma.

“Brother Garrett!”

Sheila Murray was startled and hurriedly rushed forward to assess the situation.

Dustin’s forceful blow had caused Garrett’s abdomen to contort.

He looked as if he might retch at any moment.

“This blasted Dustin has actually done such harm to Young Master Garrett? It’s simply outrageous!” Vivian clenched her teeth.

“If that bloke hadn’t scarpered so quickly, I’d have dealt with him!” Chase Johnson lamented bitterly.

Unable to best him in combat, it didn’t stop him from expressing some harsh sentiments.

“Quick! Get him to the hospital!”

Seeing that the situation was dire, Sheila Murray promptly called for assistance to transport Garrett into the car, and then sped straight to Dongjiang Hospital.

Upon arrival at the hospital, it was an all-out effort to save Garrett.

It wasn’t until late into the night that Garrett was finally out of danger.

If Dustin hadn’t spared him and left a window, he would have been in dire straits long ago.

At this very moment, in the private ward.

Garrett lay unconscious, his visage as pallid as a sheet.

Murong Cheng and his companions stood vigil, all wearing solemn expressions.

In the past two days, it seemed like a streak of misfortune had befallen the Murong family.

First, Murong Yue was kicked by a horse, then Murong Cheng was hospitalized with internal injuries, and now Garrett was in a similar predicament.

What was most concerning was that behind these incidents, the spectre of Chase Johnson seemed to loom.

“Garrett! How’s Garrett?!”

At that very moment, Murong Shan rushed into the ward.

After a strenuous day, he had barely managed to get some rest. But before he could even turn in for the night, he received news of his son’s misfortune.

“Brother, don’t get too agitated. Garrett is out of the woods.” Murong Cheng reassured.

“Who? Who did this to my son?!” Murong Shan ground his teeth and bellowed.

He was the head of the Murong family. In the entire provincial capital, he held sway like a king.

Which bloke dared to lay a finger on his son after daring to face down danger?

“It’s Dustin.”

Murong Cheng stated without hesitation: “That lad doesn’t know his place. He offended Garrett and inflicted serious harm upon him. He simply disregards our Murong family!”


Murong Shan’s countenance instantly darkened: “This blasted scoundrel! He harmed my daughter before, and now he’s injured my son. I’ll have him minced into pieces!”

Only yesterday, my daughter had been admitted to the hospital, and today, my son was late and lying in a hospital bed.

Under this double blow, his anger was ablaze.

“Brother, please, keep your cool. This Dustin lad truly deserves retribution, but at the moment, causing a commotion all over the city won’t do.” Murong Cheng shook his head.

“What do you mean by that? My son and daughter have been beaten into the hospital, and you want me to pretend nothing happened?” Murong Shan retorted sharply.

“Brother, don’t misunderstand. I’m looking out for your best interests.”

Murong Cheng said with a grave expression: “Remember, tomorrow is the old man’s birthday. While we don’t need a grand affair, there’ll be plenty of guests coming and going. If we escalate this matter, not only will it besmirch our family’s honour, but it will also cast a shadow over the old man’s special day. Besides, explaining ourselves won’t be an easy task.”

Upon hearing this, Murong Shan immediately furrowed his brow.

As much as he yearned to see Dustin pay for his actions, it truly wasn’t the time to mobilize the masses.

The old man’s birthday celebration was the top priority for the Murong family, and countless eyes from the outside world were fixed on them.

If news of today’s incident spread, it would not only tarnish the family’s reputation, but it could also bring ill fortune to the old man.

“Second brother, after all that talk, what’s your suggestion?” Murong Shan inquired.

“If we use the might of the Murong family, it’s bound to scare the snake. In my opinion, it would be wiser to enlist the aid of the Wumeng.”

Murong Cheng suddenly lowered his voice and said, “The Martial Alliance harbours hidden talents. There’s no shortage of skilled fighters. With a little investment, we can effortlessly deal with that lad. Why not?”

“If you don’t tell me, I’d have overlooked it.”

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