My Mommy Became A Billionaire After her Breakup

My Mommy Became A Billionaire After her Breakup

by Ana Silva

Chapter – 34

“He appears distant,” Lola remarked firmly to Mr. Crawford as she stood beside a middle-aged woman in a suit, who was none other than the housekeeper of Heather’s family. Byron recognized her as such.

“Mr. Crawford, mind your manners,” Lola continued, her tone carrying a note of reprimand.

“Jones,” Heather interjected, pulling the middle-aged woman aside.

“Jones, Byron is concerned about Heather,” Lola stated, her demeanor now tinged with authority, asserting her position.

“Mrs. Lola Crawford, today was meant to be the day Miss Ross and Mr. Crawford finalized the choice of a banquet hotel. Miss Ross had been excited, sharing the news with Mr. and Mrs. Ross earlier. The sudden turn of events has caused them distress. The Ross family questions the sincerity of the Crawford family in this union,” Jones explained.

“And what if they do?” Byron’s voice was cold and unwavering.

“Mr. Crawford…” Byron’s demeanor immediately quelled Jones’s audacity. However, she persisted.

Byron’s gaze shifted to Heather. “Haven’t I assured you that I’m open to any location and style you prefer?”

“Byron!” Lola was caught off guard by Byron’s focus on Heather.

“Did I cause your car accident?” Byron’s tone remained aggressive.

“No…” Heather’s face paled. “I already told my parents that I collided with a fire hydrant due to my unfamiliarity with the route…”

“Good,” Byron glanced at Jones before continuing, “Miss Rose, our marriage is a mutually beneficial alliance for both our families. But if someone believes they can manipulate or intimidate me using this incident, then perhaps we need to reconsider the partnership.”

“Byron, what are you suggesting?” Lola snapped.

“Mrs. Lola Crawford, Byron is right,” Heather interjected softly. She turned her gaze towards Byron. “Jones spoke out of turn today. I apologize on her behalf.”

Jones’s face turned ashen. She hadn’t anticipated Byron’s strong reaction to her complaints.

She had checked Byron’s schedule. After leaving the hotel, he had headed straight to the airport and flown to Salin City. His secretary, rumored to be his paramour, was also in Salin City. Jones doubted his trip was business-related.

Byron’s absence had greatly unsettled Heather throughout the day, leading to her accident.

And now, he had compelled Heather to apologize to him.

Byron was adept at juxtaposing strength with tenderness. He softened his expression and inquired, “Are you okay?”

Heather, with reddened eyes, shook her head, feigning strength. “I’m fine. The airbag helped.”

“Don’t pretend to be strong!” Lola’s voice was tinged with concern. “Look at you, with a concussion and a sprained hand!”

Only then did Byron notice Heather’s right hand encased in a plaster cast.

Head lowered, Heather remained silent, her pitiful demeanor tugging at the heartstrings.

Lola directed a stern gaze at Byron. “Heather will spend the night in the hospital for observation. You’ll stay with her.”

Byron paused, contemplating.

Finally, he acquiesced, “Alright.”

“Heather, Byron has always been like this, distant and unaccustomed to showing care,” Lola addressed Heather apologetically. “You can help him learn, especially after you two are married.”

Heather shyly nodded, yet she couldn’t help but feel that Byron did understand how to care for others. The memory of him rushing to carry Athena without regard for the broken glass remained vivid in her mind.

My Mommy Became A Billionaire After the Breakup by Ana Silva

Status: Ongoing

Author: Ana Silva

Native Language: English

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