Chapter 1109

This entry is part 268 of 302 in the series aud

Is this bloke a monster? ! !

“It’s your turn!”

Dustin suddenly lifted his head, his sharp eyes piercing the trembling Watanabe Tianming.

“Mr. Dustin, if you have something to say, there’s no need for us to go at each other with swords. I’ll give your lady back to you. I’ll be off now and won’t cross your path in the future!”

Watanabe Tianming panicked, trying to speak reason.

He’d plotted and readied over twenty sturdy warriors, yet they couldn’t stand against the opponent’s blade.

This person is truly dreadful!

“Since you’ve gone and kidnapped folks, your fate was sealed. It’s too late for this talk now.”

Garrett bore no expression and slowly raised his knife.


Right then, a furious shout echoed at the door.

Shortly after, Garrett led a troop of armed soldiers, charging in fiercely.

Vivian, Chase Johnson, and others were among them.

“You’ve timed your arrival perfectly. These folks from the Golden Crow Kingdom had designs on Xue’er. You should apprehend those who need arresting and lay to rest those who need burying.” Dustin pointed at the lifeless body on the floor.

“Silence! You’ve got no place to speak here!”

Garrett glared, then turned his gaze to Watanabe Tianming, his face registering surprise. “Brother Tianming, why is it you?”

“Brother Gao Chao?”

Tianming Watanabe was momentarily taken aback, a touch of astonishment in his eyes.

He and Garrett had met while studying abroad. They weren’t bosom buddies, but they were rather close.

“Brother Tianming, what brings you here?” Garrett asked, a bit taken aback.

“I…” Tianming Watanabe faltered for words.

He couldn’t very well spill the beans about kidnapping Murong Xue and then using her as leverage against Dustin, could he?

“He won’t talk, so I’ll do it for him.”

Dustin stated matter-of-factly. “This Watanabe Tenming kidnapped Xue’er with ill intent. He’s got wicked designs. He’ll be taken into custody and thoroughly questioned to see if he’s got any partners in crime.”


Hearing this, Garrett couldn’t help but furrow his brow.

“Brother Gao Chao, this is all a misunderstanding. Don’t pay any mind to his prattle!” Watanabe Tianming started to protest.

He mustn’t confess at this juncture, or his only shot at survival would be kaput.

“Brother Tianming, I’ll look into whether this holds water. I give you my word that I won’t accuse an innocent person or let a guilty one off the hook.”

As Garrett spoke, he turned his gaze back to Dustin. “You say Watanabe Tenming kidnapped Xue’er. Do you have any proof?”


Dustin arched an eyebrow. “Do you need proof for what’s plain as day?”

“I’ve just walked in and don’t know a thing. I’m asking you now, so you’d best give a straight answer.” Garrett’s countenance was stern.

“You want proof, do you?”

Dustin gestured towards the body on the ground. “These masked assassins are all warriors of the Golden Crow Kingdom, and Tianming Watanabe is also a member of the Golden Crow Kingdom. It’s clear as day they’re in cahoots. Is that proof enough?”

Hearing this, Watanabe Tenming’s eyelids twitched, a touch of nervousness creeping in for no apparent reason.

“Not sufficient.”

Garrett glanced at it and shook his head slightly.

“Not good enough!”

Dustin seized Watanabe Tenming, pulled out his mobile from his pocket, unlocked it, and pored over it carefully. He quickly brought up the video of Murong Xue’s abduction and said icily, “Wide-eyed and take a look. This is Watanabe Tenming’s threatening video. It’s crystal clear who the wrongdoer is and who’s in the right, isn’t it obvious enough?!”

Seeing this, Watanabe Tianming instantly turned pale.

With the evidence so concrete now, there was no room for equivocation.

It’s all over, truly over now.

“Let me have a look…”

Garrett took the phone and began to examine it closely.

Before long, he furrowed his brow and looked grave.

After a moment, Garrett seemed to have pieced something together. He took a deep breath and said calmly, “What kidnapping video? It’s a forgery from the get-go. I’m warning you, don’t prattle on and sully Brother Tianming’s name, or I’ll have to take action!” With that, he exerted pressure and destroyed the phone.

This was clearly tampering with evidence!

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