Category AUD

235 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 235 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 235 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 235 “Mr. Rhys?” Otto and his company were entirely dumbfounded by Stephan’s display of respect toward Dustin. Never in their wildest dreams had they ever anticipated the renowned Mr. Chapman to…

234 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 234 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 234 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 234 After struggling for a while. Otto gradually regained consciousness. Since he’d fallen face–first. he had lost his front teeth, contributing even further to his disheveled appearance. “What happened?” He shook…

233 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 233 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 233 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 233 Dustin was speechless by the clamoring crowd. “Where did these psychopaths come from?” he thought. They looked like they had just gone insane and were howling and shouting nonstop, like…

232 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 232 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 232 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 232 The King of Kicks made Mr. Wangley spurt out blood without even using half his strength. If he did it with full strength, Mr. Wangley would probably die on the…

231 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 231 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 231 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 231 The conference room was in an uproar after the hawk-nose elder came in. Everyone looked at him with a sense of respect after knowing he was the King of Kicks,…

230 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 230 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 230 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 230 Buying 50% of the shares with 50 million dollars was like robbing. It was that they didn’t want to displease Boulderthorn. Therefore, relatively speaking, they could only sacrifice Dustin. With…

229 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 229 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 229 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 229 Nobody expected Dustin to suddenly get physical and attack someone from the Boulderthorn Guild. Had he lost his mind? “Dustin, are you out of your mind? How dare you attack…

228 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 228 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 228 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 228 “What, are you gonna resort to physical violence?” A cold smile curved Dustin’s lips at the sight of the security guards surrounding him. He’d always been the type who was…

227 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 227 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 227 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 227 Divine–level martial artists, on the other hand, could manifest their energy externally and use it to harm or even murder others without anyone realizing it. Low–level martial artists weren’t even…

226 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 226 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 226 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 226 In the morning, at the airport. Edwin and Tina waited in front of a Rolls–Royce Phantom. “Dad, we’ve already been waiting for two hours. Why isn’t Joshua here yet?” Tina…

225 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 225 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 225 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 225 In the morning, at the airport. Edwin and Tina waited in front of a Rolls–Royce Phantom. “Dad, we’ve already been waiting for two hours. Why isn’t Joshua here yet?” Tina…

224 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 224 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 224 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 224 It was at that moment that Phineas felt pure terror.Who would have thought that the plain old man in front of him was the Executioner? Why had the Executioner visited…

223 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 223 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 223 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 223 At the Laney villa. Phineas paced back and forth in the living room, looking extremely anxious. It was the break of dawn, but he hadn’t slept a wink since he…

222 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 222 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 222 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 222 “You fucker!” James got up and was about to spew insults when he realized that Dustin was already gone. Damn it! That kid’s lucky he got away, or I’d have…

221 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 221 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 221 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 221 Bang! As the room door was kicked open, the lightbulbs in the room exploded simultaneously, shattering into pieces of glass, and an ominous chill blanketed the room. “Who the fuck…

220 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 220 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 220 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 220 “Huh?” Phineas covered his cheek with a hand, dumbfounded. Meanwhile, inside a room in Estelle Hotel, Dahlia was lying strewn across the bed, nearly unconscious, her head heavy and her…

219 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 219 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 219 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 219 Meanwhile, at Peaceful Medical Centre, Dustin was reading a book in silence when a Maybach pulled up at the door. The car door opened, and Phineas came out holding some…

218 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 218 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 218 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 218 “Hello? Hello!” Matt held his phone by his ear with a dumbfounded expression. All he did was mention Dustin’s name. Why did Tina sound so frightened? Matt had no idea…

217 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 217 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 217 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 217 “How did it go, Dad? Is anyone willing to help us?” Matt asked tentatively. “Fuck those bastards! They come wagging their tails as soon as they have something they want…

216 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 216 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 216 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 216 “Mr. Brooks, why on earth are you willing to go against our family for him?” Phineas demanded with a threatening glare. He had approached Roderick confidently but never expected this…

215 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 215 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 215 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 215 The Immortunol formula would definitely be his soon. “You’re mistaken. I don’t mean it that way.” Roderick uttered calmly. “Huh?” Phineas was puzzled. “What do you mean, then?” “Both of…

214 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 214 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 214 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 214 At that moment, Phineas and Matt were in the Brooks Manor living room. “Dad, do you think Big Bucks Brooks will lend us money?” Mall glanced around, looking worried. “Big…

213 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 213 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 213 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 213 Chapter 213 Despite running such a huge family business, Roderick didn’t even have an heir now. It was truly a tragedy. “Mr. Brooks, don’t take it too hard. Although the…

212 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 212 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 212 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 212 Roderick stood there frozen, his face was pale. He’d experienced all kinds of hardships all his life, but at that moment, he didn’t know what to do. He thought it…