220 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 220 of 259 in the series 1st
Chapter 220

An Understated Dominance 

by Marina Vittori
Chapter 220

“Huh?” Phineas covered his cheek with a hand, dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, inside a room in Estelle Hotel, Dahlia was lying strewn across the bed, nearly unconscious, her head heavy and her body weak.

Matt stood next to her, grinning wickedly as he admired her voluptuous figure.

“Dahlia, I have to admit. You sure are a beauty.” He tsked.

“Your looks and figure are perfect. I’ve fucked countless women, but none were as charming as you. Naturally, I’m the perfect man for you. How dare Dustin Rhys try to claim you as his! But don’t worry, you’ll be mine after tonight.”

Sneering, Matt began to unbutton his shirt before remembering something. He pulled out his phone and panned the camera toward Dahlia.

“I nearly forgot to record our wonderful night. I promised Dustin that I’d send him a video of us making love. Men don’t break promises.” Matt grinned excitedly.

“You despicable, shameless bastard! I’ll throw you to jail if you touch me!” Dahlia seethed feebly.

“If you don’t mind others seeing the video, go ahead. I don’t mind. So what if I have to go in for a few years? At least I get to fuck you. Still, there’s no need for us to take things that far. You’ll just have to marry me after tonight. That way, you’ll be able to protect your reputation while having the honor of being fucked by me. Isn’t that a great deal?” Matt sniggered confidently.

“In your dreams, fucker! I’d rather die than marry a hypocritical asshole like you!” Dahlia tried to get up several times but flopped back to the bed pathetically each time. Soon, her face flushed from the exertion, and the drug was still doing its job.

“Huh?” Matt’s expression hardened. “Are you still thinking of that loser right now? I don’t get it. How is he better than me? Why do you keep thinking of him?”

“He’s better than you in every way. You don’t even deserve to compete with him!” Dahlia fumed.

“He’s a fucking nobody. If someone hadn’t supported him, do you think he would have made it to where he is. today? That dickhead ruined my plans so many times. I swear I’m going to kill him one day!” Matt snarled.

“I’ll kill you if you touch a hair on his head!” Dahlla swore, her expression ferocious.

“You’re still protecting that asshole? I better teach you a lesson!” Matt tugged his belt off and began to lash out at Dahlia. “You whore! I’ll kill you! You beller say that I’m the best and that I’m the man you want!”

Soon, Dahlia’s fair skin turned bloody as whip marks littered her body. Still, she kept silent, digging her teeth into her lip stubbornly.

“Fuck! You’re stubborn, eh? I’ll fuck you up tonight!” Infuriated, Matt yanked his clothes off and lunged toward her.

As he was tearing at Dahlia’s clothes, the room door flew open with an ear–splitting boom, and a formidable figure stormed in murderously.

Instantly, the freezing wind whistled in, and lightbulbs exploded.

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Status: Ongoing

Type: Urban/Realistic

Author: Marina Vittori

Artist: Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys

Released: July, 9, 2023

Native Language: English

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