Chapter 1059

This entry is part 218 of 302 in the series aud

At that moment, Gideon believed he could defeat any grandmaster martial artist with his army of one hundred thousand soldiers.

“Rhys! Your strength means nothing to General Zink. Surrender now, or you’ll regret it!” Dylan grinned menacingly.

With Gideon and the Dark Panther Cavalry by his side, Dylan had no reason to fear Dustin anymore.

“Gideon Zink, let me warn you again. Gather your men and leave immediately. Otherwise, don’t accuse me of disrespecting the Spanner family,” Dustin warned sternly.

“What?” Gideon frowned.

“You, a nobody from the martial world, dare to threaten me? Are you looking for trouble?”

“I’m offering you a choice. If you don’t take it, you’ll regret it,” Dustin cautioned.

“Regret?” Gideon looked at Dustin, puzzled

Then he burst into laughter. “Kid, haven’t you realized? We’ve got you surrounded. One word from me, and my troops will shoot anytime!”

Dustin narrowed his eyes. “Don’t push your luck.”

“What if I do?” Gideon sneered.

“Do you think being a grandmaster martial artist makes you special? I have a hundred thousand elite Dark Panther Cavalry soldiers at my command. No one can stand against us!”

“Yeah, he’s right. Grandmaster martial artists are tough, but against an army, they’re just human,” someone in the crowd said.

In their eyes, martial arts skills couldn’t compare to the strength of an armed army.

“Kid, I’ll give you until the count of three!” Gideon raised three fingers.

“If you don’t surrender by then, don’t blame me for what happens next!”




As soon as “three” was said, Dustin swiftly appeared before Gideon.


Gideon’s eyes widened, attempting to step back, but Dustin gripped his throat. “Move, and I’ll kill you right here.”

Gideon gasped for air, face turning red. He was rooted on the spot, unable to resist or escape.

“Damn you!”

“Let General Zink go!”

The sudden events shocked everyone, especially the Dark Panther Cavalry soldiers. They had their guns raised but were afraid of shooting Gideon.

“You’re too bold to hold me hostage, kid! Do you think you can go up against a hundred thousand soldiers?” Gideon barked.

“I can’t take on a hundred thousand soldiers, but to deal with you, I only need a finger,” Dustin replied coldly.

“You Gideon was furious. “If you hurt me, you’ll regret it!”

Dustin countered, “Why would I? I’m alone here. Once I deal with you, I can easily escape. Even with a hundred thousand troops, how will you find me?”

Gideon was speechless, a flicker of fear in his eyes. His arrogance had blinded him to an important fact.

While a hundred thousand troops could overpower a grandmaster martial artist, what if Dustin decided to escape?

This realization made Gideon break into a cold sweat. He had messed up this time!

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