Chapter 1047

This entry is part 206 of 302 in the series aud

Dustin just replied with a single word.

“Thanks.” The girl in the blue dress smiled and motioned for her friends to sit.

She thought, “This seems to be the only place with many empty seats. He looks friendly, so sitting with him shouldn’t be an issue.”

“Hey, I’m Livia, and these are my friends, Leah and Quinton. What’s yours?”

“We just met, so there’s no need for names,” Dustin replied bluntly. He was on a mission, not here to socialize.

His rudeness caught Livia off guard.

But Leah couldn’t hold back and confronted him. “Hey, watch your tone. We’re just asking for your name!

“What’s the big deal about that? You’re not even dressed like a rich man. What makes you think you can act so high and mighty?”

Quinton chimed in, “Yeah, you’re not exactly dressed to impress. It’s an honor for you to meet us.”

“It’s ok, let’s all forget about it.” Livia tried to defuse the situation.

But Leah couldn’t let it go and snapped. “You can’t give in to a loser like him, Liv. It’s clear he doesn’t enjoy being around people.”

She couldn’t accept that Dustin had ignored such beauties like themselves. What a fool!

Quinton added, “Liv, forget about him. We’re in a different league, and he’s clearly out of place here.”

Then, he proudly flaunted his designer tie and expensive watch. “Check out this watch; it’s worth eight hundred dollars. I doubt you could afford it even with ten years‘ salary.”

He needed to show Dustin how they were on two different levels. It was unusual for someone as out of place as Dustin to be at this gathering.

However, Dustin paid them no mind, calmly sipping his drink while keeping a sharp eye on the door.

“See the difference between us now? It’s an honor to sit with us, so don’t take it for granted.”

Quinton interpreted Dustin’s silence as a display of weakness.

“Ew! What the hell is that smell?” Leah pretended to cover her nose in disgust.

Dustin continued to disregard them, further fueling her anger. She might have even spit at him if the circumstances were different.

At that moment, someone shouted, “Look, here he comes!”

The crowd turned and looked at Trent, the new patriarch of the Harmon family, walking in with his entourage. Applause filled the room as everyone cheered for him.

Meanwhile, Leah and Quinton wanted to get closer but couldn’t push through the crowd. In the end, they opted to watch from a distance.

“Isn’t that Dylan? He is so handsome!” Leah exclaimed, her eyes filled with admiration.

Dylan came from a wealthy family and was a talented young man who captured the hearts of many girls, including Leah.

“I heard he’s a high–ranking commander in the Dark Panther Cavalry, serving under the Scarlet

Warrior. His future looks promising.” Livia gushed with admiration. To her, Dylan seemed like someone beyond reach.

“I’d be thrilled if I could achieve half of what he has,” Quinton confessed, his envy evident. Despite his wealth, he couldn’t help but feel inferior to Dylan.

“It doesn’t matter how great Dylan is or how bright his future appears. He’s about to die soon,”

Dustin said, rising to his feet. His murderous glare fixed on Dylan.

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