Category AUD

211 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 211 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 211 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 211 “This young man must be the skilled healer you mentioned, Mr. Rhys, right? From what happened today, you do live up to your reputation,” Roderick said. “I only hope you…

210 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 210 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 210 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 210 “Honey, why did you hit me?” Chloe cupped her face, looking hurt. The others also looked at each other, unable to comprehend what had just unfolded. No one expected that…

209 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 209 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 209 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 209 “A–AIDS?” Chloe was frozen in place, at a loss. She was truly shocked. Not only because Dustin hit the nail on the head for all the symptoms she was experiencing,…

208 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 208 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 208 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 208 After hanging up, Dustin began to clean the medical center with Caitlyn. Although she didn’t let out a word of complaint, Dustin could tell that the death of her pet…

207 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 207 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 207 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 207 “Young man, I advise you to consider this carefully. I do not like to be rejected. If something catches my eye. I’ll do anything to get it.” Phineas began to…

206 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 206 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 206 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 206 “D–Dustin Rhys? How could it be him?!” After learning the truth, Florence and the others looked at each other for a while, disbelief written on their faces. Never in a…

205 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 205 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 205 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 205 Dahlia frowned slightly, slowly coming back to her senses. Looking at Florence hop around energetically, she was astounded. “Mom, I thought you said you broke your hands and feet? How…

204 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 204 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 204 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 204 “You don’t have anything else to say? I knew you were lying! Why? How did you turn out this way? Why do you have to push my boundaries over and…

203 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 203 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 203 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 203 The video on James‘ phone showed Dustin getting violent. First, he kicked James, then he pushed Florence aside, causing her to fall onto the floor and bang her head against…

202 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 202 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 202 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 202 Dustin finally let out the grievances that he had bottled up for a long time. “You… … That’s bullshit!” Florence did not believe it in the slightest. Her tone grew…

201 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 201 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 201 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 201 “James, I’m giving you three seconds to apologize to Caitlyn!” Dustin slowly got to his feet, his expression dark. “Apologize? Who the fuck do you think you are? As if…

200 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 200 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 200 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 200 Dustin knew that Caitlyn deeply lacked a sense of security. If he asked her not to do anything, she would feel even more lost. At that moment, his phone rang.…

199 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 199 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 199 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 199 At noon, after settling the issue with the dealer, Dustin returned to Peaceful Medical Center. However, as soon as he walked in, he realized that there was an additional person…

198 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 198 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 198 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 198 An hour later, James burst into the Nicholson manor hurriedly. “Mom! I’ve got bad news! Julie’s in big trouble!” “Trouble? What trouble?” Florence was enjoying her tea and responded slowly.…

197 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 197 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 197 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 197 “Alright, alright. Let’s put all those behind us and talk business, shall we?” Matt stepped in to smooth things over. “Dustin, let’s be professional here. I’m really interested in the…

196 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 196 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 196 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 196 “H–how could you order them to smack me?” Morgan cradled his face in his palms as disbelief consumed him. “Not only did I get them to hit you, I’m throwing…

195 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 195 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 195 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 195 “What? Mr. Rhys?” Morgan had shock written all over his face. He had indeed received news that the developer of Immortunol, Mr. Rhys, would be present today, but he hadn’t…

194 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 194 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 194 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 194 “Do you hear that? Everyone’s saying that you’re the thief.” Morgan smirked maliciously. Which insolent bastard is this who dared meddle in his affairs? “Mr. Finn, it seems like you’re…

193 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 193 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 193 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 193 “You! How dare you hit me?” Mr. Marcs held his face, which still burned from the smack. A mix of anger and shock was evident on his face. With the…

192 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 192 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 192 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 192 “To tell you the truth, Mr. Rhys is a tight buddy of mine. We’d give our lives up for each other. In fact, I had a night out drinking with…

191 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 191 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 191 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 191 “What did you just say? A major shareholder?” Julie paused for a moment before she laughed. “Hahaha! Have you lost your marbles, Rhys? You? A major shareholder? What a joke!”…

190 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 190 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 190 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 190 When Dustin returned to Peaceful Medical Center, everything that had been smashed and damaged had been cleaned up. The whole clinic was like new again. Dahlia was sleeping on the…

189 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 189 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 189 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 189 “Uh…” Looking at the head rolling on the ground prompted a brief silence from those in the martial arts gym, followed by the commotion and screams. No one expected that…

188 – Understated Dominance

This entry is part 188 of 259 in the series 1st

Chapter 188 An Understated Dominance  by Marina Vittori Chapter 188 “Smack!” When the last slap fell, Gabriel was completely disfigured, with a crooked nose, a twisted mouth, and half of his teeth falling out, looking extremely miserable. He collapsed on…