Chapter 579 – An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori 

Chapter 579

An Understated Dominance 

by Marina Vittori
Chapter 579

“I thought you guys love to laugh at others. Why aren’t you laughing now?” After Dustin displayed his Consultant Badge, he openly confronted those who had looked down upon him.

Dylan, Kate, and Natasha’s friends gaped at the sight of the silver Consultant Badge on the table. They were smiling no more. After all, a Consultant Badge from the Hill family was a rare treasure coveted by many. With that badge in hand, one would have the backing of the Hill family, which also came with the perks of accessing and utilizing the family resources. It was not an understatement to describe the badge as priceless!

However, it raised another question–how did the badge end up in Dustin’s possession? Was he telling the truth when he said that he had saved Sir Paul’s life? At the thought, everyone looked at Dustin differently.

“T–that’s impossible! Why would you have the Consultant Badge from the Hill family?” Kate was still reeling from the shock, even though she was rather doubtful.

“I explained it clearly to you earlier, and I don’t want to repeat myself,” Dustin brushed her off coldly. He wouldn’t have displayed the badge if Dylan and Kate hadn’t harrassed Natasha.

“Kate Harmon, what do you say? Is there anything wrong with my boyfriend now?” Natasha couldn’t resist taking a jab at Kate after she regained her confidence. She finally had the chance to relieve her frustration from being ridiculed and bullied just now.

“Hmph! Don’t get ahead of yourselves! The Consultant Badge means nothing!” Kate’s face scrunched up into a scowl.

“Exactly!” Dylan chimed in, “How did you get your hands on the Consultant Badge of the Hill family with your social standing? I bet the badge is a fake!”

“A fake?” Everyone exchanged cautious glances. It was public knowledge that the badge represented the Hill family. Whoever faked it would be courting death.

“Dylan, that’s ridiculous!” Natasha glared at him. “The Hill family crest is clearly engraved on the badge. Everyone sees it clearly. How can this be a fake?”

“Can’t you fake a family crest?” Dylan boastfully assumed, “It’s just a silver badge. I can get a duplicate with ten thousand dollars. What’s so special about it?”

“That’s a load of bull. No one would fake the Consultant Badge of the Hill family!” Natasha argued.

“Dustin Rhys was bold enough to face Tyler Grant. Faking a badge is child’s play for him.” Dylan chuckled

“Nonsense! And what proof do you have?” Natasha roared at him.

“Do you want proof? Fine.” Dylan grinned and picked up the badge from the table. He gave it a squeeze with his hand, and the silver badge cracked as it contorted into the shape of a silver bar.

Dustin frowned at Dylan’s act, while Natasha yelled, aghast, “Hey, what are you doing?”

Ignoring the two, Dylan showed off the crushed silver badge. “Everyone knows that the Hill family Consultant Badge is made of special bulletproof, waterproof, and fireproof materials. But look at this thing. It falls apart like jelly when you squeeze it. How can this be authentic?“

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Status: Ongoing

Type: Urban/Realistic

Author: Marina Vittori

Artist: Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys

Released: July, 9, 2023

Native Language: English

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