Category The Strength of Love

Chapter-11 The Strength of Love

Chapter 11 SHE COULD NEVER FORGET by Mrs. ALEX. McVEIGH MILLER Daisie was very busy the next morning packing her trunk, when Aunt Alice came upstairs, bringing Mrs. Fleming’s card. “It’s that pretty little lady from Sea View, Mr. Sherwood’s cousin.…

Chapter-10 The Strength of Love

Chapter 10 DAISIE’S DESPAIR by Mrs. ALEX. McVEIGH MILLER Royall Sherwood’s surprise and chagrin were beyond expression when he returned to Gull Beach and learned all that had happened in the two days of his absence. For Daisie, in her desperation,…

Chapter-10 The Strength of Love

Chapter 10 DAISIE’S DESPAIR by Mrs. ALEX. McVEIGH MILLER Royall Sherwood’s surprise and chagrin were beyond expression when he returned to Gull Beach and learned all that had happened in the two days of his absence. For Daisie, in her desperation,…